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Hi, I'm Alexandra 

Alexandraa Keller

I'm on a mission to raise the vibration of our collective consciousness. As an Energy Healer and Spiritual Advisor, I use the metaphysical practice of Reiki, mindfulness practices such as meditation and breathwork, intuitive gifts, and psychedelic medicine to help heal the mind, body, and spirit. Through my self-healing journey to overcome developmental trauma and anxiety, along with a profound spiritual transformation, I was called to be a channel of healing for others. You can learn more about this journey by reading my story.


I've worked with hundreds of clients in group and individual settings. Previously I was an Integration Guide at Mindbloom and the Director of Patient Experience at Wonder Sciences. I'm currently pursuing a Master of Science Degree in Consciousness, Spirituality, and Transpersonal Psychology. You can view my other training and certifications below under my credentials


In addition to my professional work, I am passionate about increasing access to holistic wellness and supporting BIPOC and marginalized communities. I'm an advisor for Vista Del Mar, a non-profit providing trauma-informed care and mental health services to the most vulnerable children and families in Southern California. I believe that by healing ourselves and raising consciousness, we improve the wellbeing of the planet and all its inhabitants. 


Master of Science, Consciousness, Spirituality, & Transpersonal Psychology 

In progress: Liverpool John Moores University (Alef Trust) 


International Center for Reiki Training Certifications: 

Karuna Reiki Master 

Usui Holy Fire Reiki Master 

Usui Holy Fire Level I and II 

(Licensed Master Level Teacher Jules Davis) 


Dr. Joe Dispenza's Heart Coherence Healing 


Shamanic Initiation - 400 Hour Apprenticeship with Shipibo Maestros

(Marcial Rodriguez Isamani & Rusbel Avilio Ochavano Laulete) 


Mindbloom Psychedelic Integration Training 


Fluence Introduction to Ketamine  


Auaralux Intermediate/Advanced Psychic and Medium Development


Bachelor of Arts, Journalism, Temple University

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My story 

I'm Alexandra! You could call me a modern mystic, but my humble East Coast roots keep me firmly grounded. After all, if you spend all of your time in the clouds, how can you help anyone on earth? Balance is key. As an Energy Healer and Spiritual Advisor, that is exactly what I bring to my clients - balanced mind, body, and spirit all working together in alignment so that you can live your most fulfilled life. 


I share my story because vulnerability and trust are vital to any client-practitioner relationship. I hope it shows that any of us can rise from the shadows, rewrite the narrative, and step into our highest selves. 


Like many people, growing up was a constant fight for emotional and physical safety. I was born into a biracial family with loads of unhealed generational trauma, and raised in a small town in central Pennsylvania. My father worked in a mailroom and my mother was too ill to work. Funds were extremely tight, chaos was our norm, and my nervous system was fried from ongoing trauma. Devout Catholics in a pretty non-progressive community, the concepts of spirituality, mindfulness, or mental health never entered our world. The answer was to pray. However, I always found myself in dissonance with strict religious teachings. Instead, as a child, I would often intuitively soothe myself with meditation, breathwork, and journaling before I even had the terms for these practices. I felt an undeniable connection to the spirit world and psychic energy, which I learned to turn off by adolescence for fear of being labeled "crazy." Dancing was my refuge until, at age 15, I realized the effects of drugs and alcohol made for a much better escape. 


Always high functioning, with a bright smile to mask my pain, I whizzed through school and accepted a scholarship to Temple University in Philadelphia, where I studied Journalism. Unknowingly suffering from CPTSD and anxiety, I coped with heavy partying, leading to a slew of dangerous and self-destructive behaviors. All this while juggling the Dean's List, a Children's Hospital of Philadelphia internship, student news reporting, professional cheerleading for the Philadelphia Eagles, and working in a nightclub to support myself. Completely disconnected from my higher self and childhood spiritual practices, I was a high performer on the surface while deep dark shadows consumed my being below. I was trapped in survival mode and felt like a victim of a painful, unfair, and cruel universe. 


I had dreamed of moving to Los Angeles since I was five. It seemed like a paradise of palm trees and sunshine, far away from the trouble I faced at home. Temple offered a study away program in LA, the main reason I chose to go there, and I finished my last semester in the city of my dreams. However, by the time I arrived in LA, I was completely burnt out and at the height of my self-destruction.


While searching for my purpose, I applied my creative skills to the entertainment industry, working for industry leaders like United Talent Agency and "The Talk" on CBS. I also put my journalism chops to use by freelance on-camera hosting. I was accomplishing my goals but nothing seemed to fill the void within me. As always, I was excelling in my work and socially, but inside I felt like a complete mess just waiting to crumble. Meanwhile, in my romantic life, I fell into an emotionally and physically abusive relationship. Convinced that I was too broken to be loved by anyone else and addicted to the chaotic ups and downs of my upbringing, it took hitting rock bottom for me to walk away. This is where my healing journey begins. 


Ashamed and confused that I, a fiercely independent woman, could fall "in love" with an abuser, I began to look introspectively at what was happening beneath my shiny surface. Daily meditation became my saving grace. For the first time, I noticed the horrible way I spoke to myself, the constant tension in my body, and the limiting beliefs deeply ingrained in my subconscious. Now you have to understand, the first time someone asked me to meditate, I laughed in their face. The layers of societal conditioning and trauma were thick. I had completely forgotten about that little girl who meditated herself to sleep. There was no way this tough realist would sit in a room with their eyes closed with a bunch of strangers. But, the inclination to meditate came through divine intervention one day when I was sitting in my bedroom wondering how I would ever conquer my demons. 


While working continuously to shift my inner state through meditation and mindfulness practices, I also began shifting from my partying ways to intentional and therapeutic psychedelic medicine. I was observing my trauma, developing new insights, and having what can only be described as major breakthroughs. As positive changes in my emotional and behavioral patterns took shape, something else happened too - a spiritual awakening. 


This awakening, or expansion of consciousness, was a return home to my true self. My natural psychic and mediumistic abilities began to resurface. I was connecting with my spirit team, and I felt a wholeness to my being as I integrated my learnings into my everyday life. Not only did I feel a deep healing within my soul, but the people in my life were noticing too. I was more patient, loving, joyful, peaceful, intuitive, grateful, and vibrating at a higher frequency than ever before. Upon witnessing this transformation within myself, I knew I was being prepared and called to help others heal and expand their consciousness.


Through my personal experiences and numerous trainings, I redirected my career towards my soul's work. Now, I love helping conscious leaders heal and connect to their higher selves through personalized healing programs combining the modalities of Reiki, trance medium healing, mindfulness practices, psychedelic medicine, and psychic guidance. 


In an effort to bridge science and spirituality, I am currently earning my Master of Science Degree in Consciousness, Spirituality, and Transpersonal Psychology. Some of my training experiences include Reiki Master Certification, Psychic and Medium Development, Heart Coherence Healing, Psychedelic Integration, and a 400-hour apprenticeship with Shipibo shamans. Also, before going into private practice full-time I served as the Director of Patient Experience at Wonder Sciences and as a Psychedelic Integration Coach at Mindbloom. 


I’m committed to making holistic wellness more accessible, particularly for BIPOC and LGBTQ communities. I hold donation-based monthly new moon healing circles and work with non-profits like Vista Del Mar to support trauma-informed care for vulnerable children and families.


I live a holistic lifestyle with my loving fiancé Pavan, and our rescue dogs, Oakley and Navea in Puerto Rico. In addition to being a channel of healing for my beloved clients, I'm grateful to say that I get to help my family heal too, breaking a long line of generational trauma. Outside of my sacred work, you’ll find me practicing yoga, exploring nature, dancing to my favorite DJs, traveling the globe, and simply enjoying life. If you had asked me twelve years ago if I thought I would be a healer someday, I probably would have choked on my tequila shot. But here I am, on a path written in the stars long before I came earth-side. My story is one of turning pain into purpose, moving from victim of circumstance to conscious creator of life, and emerging from the dark to become the light. It is continuously evolving. We all are, and I am honored to be a part of your evolution.

Personality Profile 

Alexandra Keller
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