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Your Divine Self

Energy Healing and Spiritual Development Program

Your Divine Self is the embodiment of your highest potential. It's the version of you that radiates confidence, lives with purpose, and experiences true fulfillment. 

Unlock this extraordinary self within you and discover tools that will last a lifetime. YDS, the signature program by Healer Alexandra, will guide you to: 


  • Release stored trauma from your body and energy field

  • Build self awareness and shift negative patterns 

  • Implement healthy boundaries and improve relationships 

  • Embrace your authenticity and build greater self-compassion 

  • Harness your intuition and unlock your unique gifts

  • Develop your own spiritual path and connect with your guides 

How does YDS do all that?

It all comes down to your energy, which is the foundation of your mental, physical, and spiritual health. The seven main energy centers, or Chakras, govern different aspects of your wellbeing, and when they are out of balance, you are unable to access your full potential. YDS combines comprehensive chakra healing and education, along with scientifically proven mindfulness practices, to bring you the most effective program for accelerated healing and self-growth. 

Hi, I'm Alexandra, a Reiki Master Teacher, Trance Medium Healer, and Spiritual Advisor. I'm on a mission to raise collective consciousness by helping individuals just like you holistically heal mind, body, and spirit and access your higher self in a practical, grounded way. Having overcome my own battles and undergone spiritual transformation, I combine my extensive training and experience in mindfulness and energy work with my gifts of channeling and intuitive guidance to bring you a program unlike any other. If you feel the call to heal and expand into your fullest potential, then YDS is for you.

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"I got to this point where I felt I had all the awareness into my patterns, but with all this awareness and intellectualizing, I still felt stuck. This program changed my life. I feel that I was able to break free of the ego loop cycle that I've been living in the last 30 years." 

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Eliza H., Psychotherapist

YDS 8 week Program includes: 

An intimate group container:

Connect and grow with others on a similar path

​Live weekly healings & lessons: 

release stored trauma and blockages, understand your chakras and how to self-heal

Daily mindfulness exercises: 

Journal prompts and reiki activated meditation and breathwork practices 

​Complimentary 1:1 sessions: 

Five private sessions with Alexandra for further support and healing 

Weekly integration assignments:

Practically apply what you're learning in day to day life


Bonus Integration Month:

One hour private session and one group reunion session to continue nurturing your expereince 

​Lifetime access to your YDS portal:

Return to the meditation and breathwork practices whenever you need 

YDS member perks & discount code: 


Future access to free community healings and discounted offerings

and so much more!!

YDS is for you if:

  • you're ready to do the work and get honest with yourself 

  • you're ready to go beyond intellectualizing trauma and actually release it

  • you desire to develop your intuition and spiritual connection

  • you are experiencing a spiritual awakening or on the cusp of it

  • you're ready to unlock your unique gifts and embrace your highest self 

  • you're prepared to invest in yourself and fully commit to your journey  


YDS is not for you if: 

  • you're unwilling to commit to the daily work and attend the weekly healings

  • you've never done any type of self development or healing work

  • you're closed off to spirituality or experiencing beyond your five senses 

  • healing and spiritual growth isn't a priority, or you're not ready to invest in yourself  

what yds members are saying!

"It's awesome to step into your power. I fully recommend embarking on this journey with Alex, there are no better hands you can be in."

- Stephanie M., Founder & CEO 

"I'm leaving with practices that I still use daily and a community of beautiful souls that I can reach out to whenever I need. If you believe in manifestation like I do, this is the program for you." 

- Lauren C., Account Executive  & Mom


What I gained from this program was absolutely priceless. I felt self-love for the first time and empowerment around my spiritual gifts. My life has improved across the board."

- Amanda N., Tech Operations Manager

Join the Waitlist list for the next Cohort


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